What Is ?normal? Sexuality?

Well there really is no ?normal? sexuality when one tries to define a humans sexuality or preference. There is, a very wide spectrum between male and female sexual identity. Therefore ?normal? behavior on this wide of a spectrum can go from total ascetic abstinence to nymphomania (in both male and female).

There can be made a solid case through science that we (as zygotes) before the hormones kick that we are all androgynous. That is within the early stages after conception we are quit nicely balanced between male and female.

Can we make an argument that our lack of embryonic hormonal control leads to the exaggeration of our natural androgynous sexuality and that this great differentiation of the sexes creates enormous conflict (men build war machines and women become talk show hostesses).

Our hormones are ruling our planet and most scientist and laymen alike refuse to see the obvious! Still, there is hope. Science has advanced to be able to greatly influence the sexuality of a developing fetus within the womb. Simply Google ?hormones and the sex of your baby?, or see the many excellent articles on androgynous here.

Embryonic tinkering of your child?s sexuality can now produce a more ?normal? (and thus less violent) androgynous population. The saving of mankind is in the womb. The saving of humankind is by the re- engineering of human sexuality. This will result in a more stable world civilization, less warfare, and indeed a smaller population.

It is a fact that our schools effort to ?teach diversity? and the acceptance of our great spectrum of sexual identity and behavior has been a total failure. Nature rules and only science can determine our biological nature. But for those who love our current diverse sexual nature (yes some males can love dolls) please visit sex doll , this site will provide you a glimpse into love, its wonder and dynamic kinkiness.

We can clearly see that our schools efforts to teach (the nurturing factor) our children acceptance of the wide differentiation of us as ?male or female? and its consequence deviant behavior i.e. men as exclusive non-breeding homosexual, or rapist, or women as exclusive lesbians (though they do have more means to breed such as sperm banks), has not lead to more acceptance of homosexuality as can be seen in the recent bullying attack?s and the subsequent suicides.

So, ?What to do, what to do??? Perhaps it is time for science to step in at the womb level and engineer a more gentle androgynous population. Hormonal and genetic therapy have advance to point where producing a well balanced androgynous child is quite possible and an excellent solution to many of our in trenchant problems.

Imagine a world of androgynous adults. Would the war machine collapse? Would violence against women subside? Or the bullying against homosexuals?

Perhaps all of these. So I suggest our scientist begin to engineer a new androgynous human (in fact it could be seen as anti-social not to do so), and thus free our failed ?nurturing? (or schooling attempts) to get out of the ?acceptance business?. Science is the means and gift we can give our children.

There will still be babies and we will still love them just as much. But these babies will give birth to a new world where the population will find its own balance and war will be remembered as a thing of sexual deviance and hormonal imbalance. And of course our decision not to use the tools to correct this male/female diversity problem.

Perhaps if we accept this embryonic challenge we can create the first truly free humans who are free of war and violence. Perhaps this will be the first truly free humans free within their body?s, sexuality and society.

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