2 Tips to Get the Maximum from the Negotiations with a Car Insurance Company

Being in a motor vehicle accident is something that no one wants not only for the damage to the car but also for the injuries that your body suffers, the added financial troubles and stressful experience. This situation becomes worse when the insurance companies are reluctant in settling the claim amounts that include costs and damages incurred due to the accident especially if you know that you ignored the dangers of texting and driving. This is why you will require negotiating with the insurance company for getting the best claim settlement that can be offered.
While a professional car accident lawyer can usually handle this situation with ease, many people choose to maneuver the negotiations themselves. In case you choose to do the same, here are 2 tips which will get you the maximum from the negotiation rounds:
1. Know How Much You Want
There is nothing that gives a car insurance company more joy than having to deal with a settlement claimer who doesn’t know how much he actually wants or how much he actually deserves. This is why it is important that you yourself know about the amount that you expect the insurance company to settle for the damages that you have undergone due to the accident. Take all the expenses that you have incurred in account and multiply it thrice or five times to account for the emotional stress and duress that you had go through.
This is when you must also decide on a modest lower range of the claim that you would like as a benchmark for the basic minimum that the car insurance company must offer. This limit is for your knowledge alone and doesn’t need to be mentioned in any correspondence with the insurance company.
2. Don’t Settle At The First Offer Itself
The insurance company and the adjuster they will assign for your case will test the waters first before getting into the real deal. This is when they will make a ridiculous first offer which will usually be way below what you had in mind. Many people usually jump to grab this first offer and thus end up incurring losses. Remember that the insurance company is testing your resolve and you will do well by turning it down without hesitation.
In case you think that the first offer that the insurance company has made is reasonable (it is either near to or above the minimum amount that you had in mind) then you must negotiate with the adjuster reasonably and try and get a better deal. Don’t turn down such an offer downrightly. Contemplate on it and give a reasonable counteroffer which will facilitate the negotiation process and help the two of your reach an agreement faster.
It is important that you don’t ignore these 2 tips when you are negotiating with the insurance company’s adjuster. This way you will be at the gaining end of the whole affair and thus be adequately compensated for all the expenses that you incurred along with the difficulties.
Once you sign the paper, they cannot cnaghe it, unless they find some evidence of fraud or misleading information in the information you submit that would have led to a different offer. As long as you are straight up in your negotiations, that is highly unlikely.