Nigeria Gets A Fresh Meaning On Star1960

In many communities, when the name Nigeria comes up, it brings many thoughts and feelings to mind. Usually, they are not good thoughts.

But is all this exactly as it seems?

Not so, argues the Nigeria news and entertainment channel , and they are willing to prove their point, with facts, figures and hopefully a large community drive.

The website proposes that a number of factors have lead to what could be called earth?s biggest misunderstanding, of a people that are in their “natural state”, driven by value-adding achievement, and a desire to affect society in a positive way.

The problem, they say, started when their previous regime of ?obnoxiously wealthy military leadership? made it stupid for people to aim for any high level thinking or sophistication in public and private management, or even their personal lives, and instead, constantly rewarded the mediocre, thus seeding a new culture where it became a virtue to know very little but expect a lot.

Sadly, the more these issues has propagated global and local media, the more they have entrenched these unfortunate attitudes in the Nigerian population, with an ever increasing number of citizens believing it may be out-of-character, or at least futile to follow a path of hardwork, creativity and merit, to any appreciable level of personal success.

In the words of the website?s developer Peter Aikude, Star1960 aims to break the country out of this cycle, in two ways.

?Now, we are providing an entertaining magazine update everyday, of Nigerians doing great in Hollywood Movies, Music, Arts, Business and Sports all over the world. By enabling Nigerians to converge daily to recognize, discuss, celebrate and be inspired by articles of positive achievement and merit in our community, as well as solutions to important social issues, we aim to gradually build a strong, well-informed population who set higher standards for themselves, their society and their leaders.?

While driving attitudinal change, the organization is also seeking institutional support to create an accountable and rewarding career path for every Nigerian on the planet who?s hungry to see the country change for the better.

In Peter?s words:

?When this second part of the project rolls out, Nigerians will find it more fun, more socially correct, and more financially rewarding to engage in acts of developing their communities, as well as developing themselves?.

Peter Aikude himself, recently became Africa?s highest skilled web-programmer in the PHP4 genre, according to skill test rankings by Elance and ExpertRating.

For a start, checkout Star1960?s coverage of Nigeria Celebs in the movies you love .

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