Man imprisoned daughter for 24 years of fathered her 7 children

 A man from Austria named Josef Fritzl, held his daughter in captivity for 24 years and during that time fathered 7 children with her. According to MSNBC, he pleaded guilty to incest but denied murdering a newborn son, in which he was also accused for doing. Fritzl completely understood that by holding these children underground that he was keeping them from their liberty. He did plead innocent though of enslaving his daughter of all these years. He kept his daughter and four of the children in a cellar that he built in his house. Although he was married to a woman named Rosemarie, she never even knew of her husbands acts and the secrets he kept. He did though have 3 of the kids living up above with him. All of this was discovered when one the children living in the cellar became sick and had to go to the hospital. It was at this time authorities were contacted. This case recieved a lot of attention in Austria and for good reasons. There are alot of sick and dangerous people in our world. If this man is convicted for murder of his newborn son than he may be spending life in prison. If convicted of rape he may only spend up to 20 years. 

We will have to wait and see how this case develops.

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