Talking Globe, The Reason Why Kids Really Should Learn About Geography?

I do believe, unfortunately, we are all guilty of presuming that most people knows about where they are living, but are not that familiar with where everybody else is from. As an example, My partner and i not too long ago met a person from Sweden – who was totally shocked that a few people reckoned there were polar bears strolling around on the high streets of Sweden and that the capital city was Denmark… but she herself had no idea what the capital of Bolivia was (we met in South Africa, both travelling to broaden our opinions and had an fascinating conversation with a lady from Bolivia – hence why I am certainthe Swedish girl had no clue!).

Unfortunately, one particular nation which is well known for its poor knowledge in geography is America, where purportedly 6 out of 10 people today are not able to find Iraq on a world map – a nation which has been in the headlines more than enough to be well-known by most us residents you would have thought. It is also fairly common for Americans to think that Europe is a single nation, not many different ones!

I wish my mum and dad had been more clued up with what the planet looks like and what countrys are where – they are still utterly clueless! despite all my travels and efforts to up-date them with thedevelopments in the world. I believe, if they’d tutored me more (and had the understanding to do so), I may have been much more understanding in my early travelling years, to the needs and cultures of people inother nations around the world. It might also have made it much easier for me to describe to them why I needed to go travelling and explore the world on my own, personal terms!

My grandaddy had an old world globe in his family room, it was and still is one of the most beautiful ornaments I have ever seen, because it represented the globe to me when I was growing up. Not surprisingly, it was very old and out of date and I was not allowed to touch it…

Then when I had kids of my own, I chose to get them into geography and to never keep thisawesome knowledge from them. I found the concept of a talking globe to be incredible – the easiest way to teach and have fun at the same time! I decided to buy the Vtech Fly and Learn Globe for my children and they completely love it. They can pretend to be on a aircraft with a helpful pilot who flies them around the world and they learnabout all the wonders of the world, the various languages and diverse music as they go! Fantastic!

Another talking globe I purchased is the Oregon Scientific Smart Globe Deluxe. It isfantastic for the whole family, as it provides challenging quiz games and interactive lessons and also a facility to update straight from the Internet.

It is remarkable how much owning a Talking Globe hastransformed our family – my kids now know information on the places I have visited, and which ones they might like to visit when they are older. It makes it possible for them to dream and picture that they are flying around the globe – what more could you possibly want?

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