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Air Conditioning Systems and How They Operate

July 19, 2012 Amy Barnett 0

Many homes are equipped with an HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system that has many moving parts and motors. Over time, these parts can wear down or begin to start-up slowly and ineffectively, decreasing the overall cooling effect of the system. AC repair is generally a multi-step, trouble-shooting process, which involves looking at the motors, fans, and electrical wiring involved in an air conditioning unit.

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Gold and Other Historic Happenings in Hokitika

July 18, 2012 Margery Pick 0

The lure of gold was too strong for some people to resist and they flocked towards remote areas seeking the riches that were under discussion. The unsettled West Coast of New Zealand called out to those with a sense of adventure and willingness to achieve it. This modern city owes much to those who came searching for gold. The interesting beginning of Hokitika in the 1860s moved towards the future with several areas of development.

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Things To Know About Finch Bird Care

July 12, 2012 Luke C Wright 0

Before you buy your birds, proper finch bird care should be remembered. It is not a good idea to keep only one bird, as finches prefer company. These birds are very good for people and families that are active and have little time to care for pets. Although finches are social, they would rather be with other finches, than with people. They are easy to care for, but there are some important things to know.

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Patrick Maser Shows the Risk is Worth It

July 12, 2012 Christopher Benini 0

You take risks every day whether you believe it or not. Some involve more risk than others. When you get up and go to work there is no guarantee that you are coming home that day. It is scary but it is true. Everything you do involves some degree of risk, whether it is low risk or high risk. In most cases, the more the risk, the higher the reward. That needs to be put in perspective of business. Patrick Maser is one person who took a risk and now runs his own business, making hundreds of thousands of dollars om a monthly basis.