How To Become A Likeable Person

Whilst you are unaccustomed to a particular place, most of us will want to make friends and expand our social options. If you are curious about how to become a popular person, whether it is at school, or perhaps at work, please read on.

If you consider yourself a shy, anxious individual and usually stick to yourself, now is the time to break away from this habit. Possessing some impressive characteristics and not being able to show them off does you no justice as people will acknowledge them only if you are confident enough to make them aware. Building friendships and sharing your talents is not as hard as it seems. So if you possess few acquaintances and need to be educated on how to get people interested in you, please take a moment to find out how.

Become Popular at School

The most simplified path to make friends and get your peers to take notice of you is to be yourself entirely when in their presence. In school, it is obvious there are gatherings of the same minded pupils. Reason being is that they share primary interests and find it easy to gel with one another – there is a connection. Take on board some of these tips so you can find your comfort zone at school.

If you’ve just enrolled at a new school, do not be worried to acquaint yourself to a group of fellow students come lunch time or during sports classes so people are at least aware of you. Making a strong first impression counts.

Do not be apprehensive to step up and take charge on a school activity or a pre – arranged school function. Confidence is the master key to winning friends and influencing people.

Be upbeat with your schoolmates so they do not see you as uninteresting and start to ignore you.

When you have established some genuine self-confidence for who you are as a person and what makes you unique, others will come to you of their own accord and will want to be your friend. So, don’t make the mistake of starting off on the wrong foot, just be yourself, and don’t try to be someone you’re not, you don’t want to appear desperate. It takes some people longer than others to establish themselves, but you will earn due respect in the long run.

Be polite, well spoken and always oblige when someone needs your help. By helping someone out, you are laying the foundations for future friendships. Become active in class activities, and offer suggestions and ideas when you can.

How to Become Appealing at Work.

Wanting people to like you is not a hard job, although for many people it certainly seems so. Regardless of whether you know it or not, the vast majority of people want to get to know you. It’s human nature to crave interaction. If you have just started at a new workplace and are struggling to break into the social side of things, follow these tips to help you out.

Once you’ve settled into your new work environment, acquaint yourself with your co-workers. Enquire about their job descriptions, the office surroundings, your ‘boss’, etc.

When at your lunch break, ask to sit with them and simply chat about general issues happening in society, or perhaps issues effecting your work industry. The more you are prepared to participate and initiate conversation, the more social you will become.

Once you are comfortable with how your work peers have accepted you, invite them over for drinks, to watch the game on the big screen, or for a day out shopping.

Always be there to help your workmates out when called on, and don’t be selfish with the work roster.

Finally, it’s not how to get someone to respond favorably that counts in the end, it’s more so what kind of a person you are. If you are genuine, dependable and willing to be a team player, then this goes hand in hand with popularity.

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