President Obama speaks to Congress

President Obama speaks to Congress about the financial crisis that this country faces. He let’s us know “the impact of the recession is very real but he wants us to know that we will rebuild America and we will emerge stronger than we were prior to the recession. The answers to our problems resides in the hands of hardworking Americans. Our economy didn’t fall over night, it happened over an extended period of time and over this time we have piled trillions of dollars in debt. We need to revive the economy and start investing in areas that will expand our economy.”
His agenda:
His agenda begins with jobs
Putting people back to work and money in their pockets
Failure to act would have worsened our longterm deficit
Over the next two years it will create or save 3.5 million jobs
The plan will allow teachers to keep their jobs
Tax cut beginning on April 1st, 2009
Tax credit on four years of college

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Let us know what you think about President Obama’s plan to rebuild this economy. Watch the full speech below!


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