Steps to having beautiful skin!

Steps to achieving beautiful skin!

1.       Wash your face with a good moisturizing cleansing bar, anything with aloe vera is usually considered very good for your skin.

2.       Once you wash your face time to cleanse it of course with a good cleanser, there are so many on the market that it is impossible to choose which ones are the best but there are some favorites out there.

3.       Once you cleanse your face, time to use your toner or astringent to remove any excess residues.

4.       Now that you’ve cleaned your face, it’s time to put moisture back into it, so moisturize your face!!


You can definitely keep this up every day to keep nasty critters away from your gorgeous face.



  1. well make sure you get the right moisturizer because some of them will leave alot of oil on your face especially if you have oily skin like me …

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