Great Date Ideas- Hot, Hot, Hot!

Are you stressed out about where you should go on a date or what you should do? Well the things we talk about is ready to take that load off of your shoulders. Here are some of our date ideas depending on what kind of date you plan on going!

First Dates: I would definitely suggest going for the classic first date, which of course is the dinner and a movie. Dinner will actually allow both persons to get to know each other better. Definitely choose a setting that is quiet but also very relaxing. Definitely do not go on a spending spree for this date. It’s the first one and all that is required is for you to get to know the person and have fun. I would definitely suggest watching a movie that can make you laugh because it allows you to become more relaxed and enjoy yourself even more. And even if this date were to suck, at least you know you had a good laugh.

Date on a budget: This date is rather simple. You and partner should choose an easy to make recipe online. Print it out and take it with you to the supermarket. Get two shopping carts, pick out a checkout line where you can meet back, divide the list and go buy what’s needed to make that special dinner. You can make this even more enjoyable by making it a race, whoever gets to the checkout line first wins and then you can think of a reward a little later in the night. Once you get all that you need from the supermarket, take the groceries home and start whipping out the dinner together. Don’t be afraid to show lots of affection towards each other, because things can sure get steamy in the kitchen. Cook this dinner and then eat it while you watch a rerun on t.v or a movie that you’ve already seen together and enjoyed.

Group Date: These dates are always fun, and you have so many options that you can look at. On Group Dates, you and and your partner can get together with other couples that you know and go out for dinner, or go bowling, go play pool, go to the movies, etc. These dates allow you to get to know your friends a little better and also see how they interact with their partners in their relationships. 

Day Date: This is the date that starts from the morning and can go all the way to the evening. I would definitely suggest going someplace fun for this date. Perhaps the beach, where you can relax and get tanned, or maybe go to an amusement park where you can go on rides, eat cotton candy and relive some childhood memories. 

Rainy Dates: This is the date that starts late night and can go all the way to morning which can end up to be the breakfast date. For this date, I would suggest for the guys to go and pick up their chick’s favorite chick flick. Pop some popcorn, stop by a bakery on your way home from work and pick up some chocolate coated strawberries that you will be saving as a surprise for your honey. Guys if you need help thinking of a good chick flick, “The Notebook” never dissapoints. Make sure that you get a nice cozy blanket to cuddle under, and I’m sure after all of this, this will definitely be a date night to remember.


More date ideas to come, stay tuned….



  1. Try new things, things you will never do on a regular basis, like canoeing, horse back riding, going to the circus. My boyfriend recently surprised me on date night. We went to a completely new and on heard off restaurant, took the train downtown for the first time got lost on our way to the circus, and had a good laugh over drink at the end of the date. The unexpected is trully the element of surprise.

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