The Most Popular Skin psoriasis Treatment Options

The psoriasis treatment is aimed at helping overcome the symptoms of the condition. Note however that this condition has no known cure but it can be managed possibly throughout the entire life of a person. It is important to note that; while some forms of treatment may work well in some people, they may not work well in others. Only a doctor or other skin specialist can help determine the best and most effective form of treatment for the condition.

Some of the popular methods of psoriasis treatment include the following


These are creams or ointments that may contain one or combination of the active ingredients. These include the prescription retinoids, coal tar shampoos and ointments, calcipotrene, salicylic acid or steroid-based creams.

The prescription retinoids contain a vitamin in one of the synthetic forms. They may result in the side-effect of irritation and dryness of skin.

The coal tar shampoos and creams are produced from coal tar. They work by decreasing the development in the skin’s cells and for that reason reducing signs and signs and symptoms of skin skin psoriasis.

Calcipotrene is extremely similar in chemical structure the vitamin D that’s naturally based in the skin. It really works best whether it used along with corticosteroid cream.

Salicylic acidity creams work by getting rid of the skin and hastening the losing in the skin’s psoriatic cells.

Steroid based creams are the very best topical remedies for skin psoriasis treatment. They work by obstructing the entire process of overproduction of psoriatic cells yet still time lowering the soreness and itchiness of your skin.

Lamp Therapy

The exposure to the regular doses and amounts of sunlight can help reduce the symptoms of psoriasis. The exposure of the sun should be limited such that it does not cause sun burn. According to reviews in most doctors and health blogs, it works for most of the people it is practiced consistently. The PUVA (Psolaren and Ultra Violet A light) has especially shown great effectiveness in managing the condition. Despite its effectiveness as psoriasis treatment method, the practice is not very much recommended nowadays because research has shown that it increases the risk of the development of skin cancer. The cancer may develop many years after the therapy was stopped.

Most doctors will recommend the Ultra Violet B (UVB) light therapy treatment by use light box only or by combining it with some other therapies such as the coal tar. There is another equally effective as PUVA but less carcinogenic targeted UV (Ultra Violet) light treatment therapy which is referred to as the narrow-band Ultra Violet B therapy and which is now the mot recommended for the light therapy psoriasis treatment.

Dental DRUGS

Once the other skin skin psoriasis treatment techniques fail, or they do not result in the expected relief, dental drugs may be suggested. Good good examples of those drugs include methotrexate and cyclosporine. Sere skin skin psoriasis should get dental retinoids. The dental retinoids have similar characteristics to a vitamin. They are however associated with possibility of birth defects in women within the getting kids age.

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