The Health Benefits of Graviola Fruit- Guanabana (Soursop)

Health benefits of  the Graviola (soursop) fruit and is it the cancer cure?

Graviola fruit is a highly aromatic fruit that is also known as soursop or amnona muricata, guanabana, that has a white juicy flesh and is native to both tropical North, South America and many Caribbean islands.

Health Benefits of Graviola Fruit

For a while the graviola fruit was widely used and applied by the indigenous people of various populations to cure various illnesses and diseases, and when some researchers discovered it they found it has the abilities to fight cancer cells, kill viruses, bacteria and parasites, which is why this fruit has become very important.

Scientific researches of Graviola began in the 1940’s when a group of researchers discovered the amazing medicinal benefits it had. For instance through their research they discovered that the plant had antispasmodic activity, it could reduce blood pressure, it had some vasodilator properties, antibacterial properties, it could be used as an antifungal agent, the seed of the graviola could be used to kill off parasites, but it wasn’t any of these things which had the most interest for these researches but the fact that it also had some anti cancerous and anti tumor properties.

Health benefits of graviola (Soursop) fruit – National Cancer Institute

In 1976 a group led out by the National Cancer Institute discovered that the high activity of the graviola leaves and stem in of the graviola fruit had a powerful chemical within it called annonaceous acetogenins, which are believed to be able to slow down certain processes that take place in only cancer cells, which means unlike chemotherapy wouldn’t affect the healthy cancer cells. Graviola anonacecous acetogenins showed positive results when it came to treating colon, breast, lung, ovarian, prostate, lymphomas, cervical and even prostate cancers.

Although many researchers have already proved high effectiveness of the graviola fruit and it’s potential in being the next cancer cure, there still needs to be and in vivo studies done, meaning human clinical based trials that will allow physicians to know that this would be a safe and effective way of getting rid of cancer in their patients. Currently pharmacists are trying to synthesize the annonaceous acetogenins and create a safe drug. When will this be available?

At this point in time it is quite difficult to tell. But some patients have decided none the less that they will use the graviola extracts or supplements available until more finalized research has been done. It is important to note that because there isn’t definitive research done that in no shape or form is this replacing the current therapies that are available for the cancers. It is important that one speaks to their health care provider prior to starting any new regimen or supplements, and find out what is best for you and your body.

For those interested in the graviola supplements they are sold over the counter in health food stores, you can also find them online and even in some pharmacies, and also they are cost effective. A typical capsule ranges between 400-600 mg. Also be aware that graviola, soursop, annona muricata are all similar names they share.


Another benefit of soursop for health

Health benefits of Graviola (Soursop) fruit

  • • Reduce the risk of urinary tract infection (UTI). High content of vitamin c in soursop increases the acidity of urine, so reducing the growth of harmful bacteria.
  • • High fiber content in soursop fruit can prevent intestinal problems and overcome constipation. The fruit is also consumed as a menu fit your diet.
  • • Soursop provide intake of thiamin and vitamin B in your body and convert sugar into energy.
  • • Increase good cholesterol, niacin content contained in soursop can improve HDL levels.
  • • If you have frequent migraines, eating soursop is very good to meet the needs of riboflavin in the body that helps prevent migraines. -> Source
Categories: Health and Beauty

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