My favorite fruit smoothie recipe

Fruit Smoothie Recipe

Note: This recipe is copyrighted

I just love fruit smoothies and today I am actually doing something very special for all of my readers and that is share my delicious fruit smoothie with you.

This fruit smoothie is made with apples and bananas.

1.     Peel a banana and place it into the blender.

2.     Peel 2 apples, chop them up into pieces and place it into the blender.

3.     Now take a little bit of water and place it into the blender. Just a little.

4.     Now take a can of carnation milk and pour it into the blender.

5.     Now take some brown sugar, it should be about 4-5 tablespoons, or depending on how you like it.

6.     Now pour 1 teaspoon of some vanilla extract into the blender.

7.     Finally add your ice and blend away!!


Follow these steps and I assure you that you will have a delicious tasting fruit smoothie.

Categories: Food News

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