Elf Patchwork By Jeneration Shmoo

I started sewing when i was tiny. Watching my mom for hours at a time make magic with her sewing machine. Taking all the small pieces of fabrics and scraps is how I learned and that is still my favorite way to sew. Never letting even the smallest pieces go to waste. I make cloth diapers from up-cycled t-shirts and I love to turn old clothing into fabulous wearable art.

When I started and really got in to it was when I had my first kid, Do not get me wrong sewing to me is the best thing in the world, but when I had my first kid I stared making Diapers and clothes it was really fun. Now I have three kids now and I have made a lot of Diapers, leg warmers, pants and more. I thought to my self why can’t I use Recycled Fabrics with all the extra clothes I have.

I was online one day and came across Pixie Patchwork Sweaters. I have a lot of old Sweaters so I made a Pixie Hippy Patchwork Sweater I had a lot of fun. I thank the best thing about it is I now use only Recycled fabrics and Sweaters. not only is it fun but it is all so green, you will see a lot of Patchwork Sweaters online just remember that we use only used sweaters and fabrics so good for you and the Earth.

You might say how is mine different then every one else? Will that is the thing about Pixie Patchwork Sweaters you will never see the same one twice. Let me say that all the people that make these are ever cool people, going green never looked so good.There are a lot of different things that you can apply using recycled or up-cycled fabrics or Sweaters, ever one has an artiest in them they just need to find out what they are good at.

If you are in the market to go green and find your self wanting to start you should try Patchwork sweaters remember that you can not go wrong with going green.

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Tags: Patchwork
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