Macro Shooting By A Digital Camera.

Digital cameras allow even novice users to implement the ideal opportunities of macro mode. Most digital cameras in the “macro” mode are able to shoot from close distances, up to 1-5 cm. Therefore, the photographer can capture sufficiently close-up small objects – flowers, insects, coins…

Shooting at very close range – is one of the spectacular creative techniques even for a beginner. A little experience, a little patience – and you get a variety of topics and very showy images. Having peered carefully into the natural world up close, you can capture the extraordinary scenes with well developed fine details and rich texture of objects. These shots usually cause a great interest in the audience.

It is distinguished general, medium and large plans shooting. The general plan is suitable, for example, when working on the scenery, the average – shooting a person in full-length and portraits are usually done close-up. Especially close-up plan is rarely applied; it is widespread primarily in the cinema. It allows you to capture parts of the face, most of all – the eyes.

More close-up shooting belongs to the macro shooting. In this case the object is photographed almost life-size, i.e. the linear dimension of the optical image is close to the linear size of the object. At the same time on the print, made, of course, with zoom, you can see much more detail than in the observation of the object with the usual distance. The optimum distance is considered to be equal to an average of 250 mm.

No doubt, the digital camera will fit for very close-up shooting. Most models are usually fitted with a special mode that allows you to photograph enlarged plan (from a distance of several centimeters) without special tools. Some cameras have even two sub-bands – “macro” and “super macro”.

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