Displaying Photos – Comparing And Contrasting Photo Books And Photo Albums

It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Pictures capture moments that take us back to a particular time, place, and feeling that we want to remember forever. Placing photos on display is a terrific way to gather up all of those memories for you and your friends to enjoy. Photo books are wonderful, stylish publications that combine cherished photographs into book form. What are photo books? How do they differ from photo albums?

Based on their name, you can probably figure out what a photo book is. It is an actual publication that is constituted of photographs printed on the pages inside. These photos may be obtained from any number of storage locations such as your hard drive, facebook, or some type of photo sharing site. Photo books have various styles and themes, depending on whatever suits your tastes and types of photos. Pages in a photo book may be configured however you like, whether they present 15 or 16 smaller pictures or a few larger ones. There are several companies available that present the option of choosing one of their pre-set page backgrounds and designs or customizing your own. The customizable option is attractive to those who have experience in creating their own designs.

Photo books look just like any other book. The photos are professionally printed on high quality paper, and it is most often glossy. Most of the time, text is added in the margins or along the bottom of the page in order to provide a narrative or other descriptions to the photos that accompany the words. Photo books are professionally bound in hardcover made from suede, satin, or leather. Picture windows are die-cut into them if you wish so that photos are visible under the cover. Photo books differ from photo albums mainly in that they consist of printed pages rather than of pages that physical photographs are attached to. Photo books are pre-printed books that read and look like a book you would buy at the store. Photo albums are more like a scrapbook of images compiled by the photographs you adhere to the pages inside, not like a book that has been created with a printing press.

Photo books add an air of professionalism that really sets off the photos inside. They read like a book of any kind, providing a dimension to your photographic display that albums do not possess.

Now Try – Photo Books

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