Man?s Disease And The Ways Of Its Treatment

Prostatitis is nothing like an inflammatory process that occurs in the prostate gland. Currently one of four men aged 20 to 40 years has signs specific to the prostate diseases.

The older the age, the greater the percent of the men, who are suffering from the disease of the prostate. All of this is due to increase in the number of factors that contribute to the emergence and further development of prostate diseases. Based on these studies, experts believe that among the men over the age of 35 years, every third man has symptoms of the prostatitis. All the men, of course, have different attitudes to this type of prostate diseases.

Some did not seek medical help for a long time as a period of the disease is not determined by sensory disorders of the prostate gland functions; others do not seek medical help, refusing to diagnose this type of illness, not realizing the consequences of such refusal.

Often, men who have all the symptoms of this disease, seek medical attention too late, sometimes inflammatory process is already clearly expressed in connection with which complicated the process of this disease. That is why the people say that the disease of the prostate (prostatitis) is virtually incurable, but this opinion has no reason to exist, so timeliness of treatment, carried out by a competent specialist in this area leads to a complete recovery of men suffering from prostatitis.

What factors may contribute to diseases of the prostate (prostatitis)? Here may be noted sexually transmitted diseases such as: – trichomoniasis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, candidiasis, gonococcal infection, and others. All diseases of this kind oppress the urethra and appear in the tissues of the prostate. Also prostatitis promotes a sedentary lifestyle, with what is currently facing a huge number of male population.

Sedentary lifestyle leads to poor circulation in the pelvis, which leads to stagnation, and then to inflammation of the prostate. In addition to the sedentary lifestyle to poor circulation in the pelvis is long-term abstinence, as well as artificially extended (artificial delay ejaculation) or interrupted (not ended ejaculation) sexual intercourse.

Another not insignificant risk factor that leads to prostatitis, is a frequent hypothermia of the prostate. This factor is relevant for fans of ice fishing, and of extreme sports (i.e. the aquatic sports), so these categories should think about their health and family welfare.

Most unpleasant consequence of the absence of medical care – is male infertility.
Modern methods of diagnostic examination have an opportunity to deeply assess the extent of the disease. After that, based on the results of diagnostic examination occupational therapist with the patient decides to choose the method of the forthcoming treatment.

At this disease it is possible medical and surgical treatment. I in my turn wish you to seek medical help quickly and a speedy recovery.

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