Man And Stress ? Who Wins The Battle?

Nobody would deny: brain of the men and women is arranged completely different. It is because we are reacting to stress and crisis situations so unlikely. Conflicts between the sexes, in love, in business and in the relationships sometimes are difficult to be resolved. A man destined to be “the winner.” So his “coaching” from the childhood is less words, more action. Women are by nature more emotional, because, when they are seething with resentment, they can give all at once, giving way a lot of emotions.

Of course, not all the ladies are a solid volcano of passion, but emotionally – no doubt. Men, of course, know this, but because the fear of stormy scenes in every way guarding his soul from these, in their view, excessive emotions.

Men in all ways not willing to enter into open confrontation with the women. Watch … If a woman is dissatisfied with something, she is not silent and would not wait. For man this behavior is unusual. He, if decided something already, will avoid verbal battles and explanation of the relationship. But, remember, he needs to be a winner in any case. Because sometimes the men have resorted to the method of “guerrilla warfare” – crawling maneuvers and other tricks. As a rule, they “save face?, do not beat their breasts and do not prove anything in a relationship with a woman, but do as they need.

In stressful situations, men tend to confine themselves to single-handedly “digest” of the problem and associated feelings, while women are carried away with the emotions. A man feels better when he starts solving the problem, the woman – when she speaks about it.
The boys already in the childhood produce an immediate and direct response to stress.
Testosterone triggers the high activity, self-confidence, increases ability to concentrate on the situation and getting out of it through action.

Do not be offended – he is “out “.
Caught in a stressful situation, the man retreats to the “cave” of his mind and focuses on solving the problem. Because the problem is certainly not the only one he usually chooses either the most difficult problem of all, or the most urgent. And so, he focuses on it, which temporarily “switched him off” from all the cares and responsibilities, pushing them into the background.
Woman feels better when she has friends, loved ones, who love her and with whom she can share their feelings and problems. Man feels well when he himself can solve his problems, think deliberately over them. At such moments, he increasingly withdraws, becomes forgetful, as if insensible. In fact, he thinks. It is better not to interfere.

Fairly typical is the situation when the man comes home, and he is still “out there” – he is experiencing stress and persistent mental struggle. At such moments a man is not able to give a woman the attention she usually gets.

It is better not to disturb the man, the best way is to feed him tasty and leave him for some time alone. He will “return” to you when he solves the problem.

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