Foot Care. The Simple Advices For You!

Feet and toes are incompatible

Even if you’re used to them like family sometimes you will have to get rid of the unpleasant build-up. You don’t even need the anesthesia and surgery – it can be done at home.

Go to the shower in order the skin became softer.

Take the most ordinary pumice and treat your corn uniformly. This will remove the dead skin which you still don’t need any more, but it interferes with the body.

Put a foot moisturizer to the skin not giving the corn to grow again. You will even enjoy it if you do this without fanaticism.

Ill odor

Nobody’s secured from it too. If you want to remove your shoes safely in public you have to start to smell better quickly.

Wear shoes in size. To let the skin of legs to breathe you need to give some space for it.

The medical Golden rule says to us: to cleanse the hands of the bacteria it’s needed to wash them at least 30 seconds. The same thing is with your feet, even a bit longer.

Wear socks made of silk, cotton or wool. All synthetic socks collect and give to your enemies.

Usual children talc also helps. It prevents the growth of bacteria on the skin of the legs and smells good.

Purifying bath

To wash the feet is also sometimes necessary. And just sometimes you have to give them the opportunity to relax in a purifying and toning bath. In principle, it differs not very much from the ordinary one, except that you can add lavender oil, mint to soften the skin to your taste and half of lemon (any citrus will come down too) to neutralize any bacteria. You can do everything in quite a tricky way; wet towel in the water with all the necessary additives, and then wrap the feet up. After this you are supposed to sit in a chair, tighten the smoke from your favorite tube and feel the pleasure, inaccessible to other mortals.

Exercises for the toes

It is unlikely that anyone will pay attention to the thickness of the muscular layer of your little fingers, but this does not mean that you can forget about them. American Medical Association of podiatrists (doctors who treat feet) agrees with us almost completely: it requires everyone to do the following exercises to pump your toes.

Try to squeeze any light things between the fingers (there are special plates in drugstores for this, but even a pencil will fit), stretch the leg and hold it for five seconds. Repeat ten times.

Pull fingers with the rubber band and tighten them so as to overcome the resistance. The scheme is the same to keep five seconds, repeat ten times.

The simplest exercise is massaging the toes by rubbing on a golf ball (or any small ball). Doctors say that you can cure many diseases in this way including even the plantar fasciitis.

And the simplest exercise is to stand on tiptoe and fall. It also works flawlessly.

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