Spiritual Growth: My number one therapy

We all have our different ways of dealing with stress from school, work and our day to day encounters. Many people struggle to cope with these stressful moments. There are many things that one can do to be mind free for at least a split moment.  Music is  recognized to be a good therapeutic agent. Whenever I am not in a good mood or just not feeling like myself, I pop in a CD into my car radio if I am driving or play something from my computer if I am at home. Listening to music helps me to calm down.  I think music should be part of our spiritual growth journey. Sometimes you may be going through something and can’t think of anyone to turn to, not because you don’t have any friends or siblings but because they may not understand what it is that you are going through. And sometimes there is this one song that you can listen to that will let you know that whatever it may be that you are going through, there is someone who will always understands. He will not criticize you when you are down; rather he will raise you up above all by giving you the strength that you need to go on. There is this song by Gaither Vocal band I have learned to love “When I cry” Listen to it carefully at the end of this post. The music we listen to sometimes help us to realize things that we have lost track of. Share with us your therapeudic agent, what do you do to cope with stress or when you are going through something.


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  • I love this song....music can bring out so many different emotions, and certain songs do speak to us in a way that can really bring us comfort in our times of pain and sorrow. I love the fact that this song helps me to know that I'm never alone, especially when I'm in pain and that God above all else can feel my pain and help me in turn find solace and peace. Love it!



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