Practical Reasons To Complete a LPN Program

Licensed practical and licensed vocational nurses (known as LPNs or LVNs, based on the state in which they work) offer basic nursing treatment. They work under the direction of RNs and physicians. Additionally, advanced technology has increased the need for LPNs and LVNs outside of hospitals where more jobs and much more distinctive career opportunities usually exist. The salary of LPN professional is also quite decent.

Program Types

The 1 year program don’t provide certification. Such programs generally award you with certificate of completion of the program. Nonetheless, with regards to the job market, there’s not much of the difference and people with the 1-year certificate and students with the graduate certificates have similar employment opportunities.

In hospital LPN programs, students are more in contact with patients as they learn full time in hospital. Programs allow students to prepare for state licensing as a LPN. The program also allow students to gain experience in different areas of nursing. Such programs prepare students to be habitual to nursing career.

Numerous hospitals provide LPN degree programs. Degree programs for LPNs can last anywhere from 18-24 months. These programs are much more comprehensive compared to the 1 year or hospital programs and the student can start practicing as a nurse after passing the final examination. As the training is entirely hospital based, medical rotation is spread all through the training.

Online programs are very different from full time programs. Online programs mostly focus on theories and only two week long clinical practice is arranged at hospitals or other healthcare facilities. Students may continue their clinical practice longer than a month to be more familiar to the course.

There are many bridging programs which help CNAs to advance their career to LPN. Such programs are shorter than LPN programs as CNAs have basic knowledge and skills in nursing field. While attending such programs, students can continue their job. There are a lot of things that you are to study when you are pursuing a license in practical nursing.

The position of the LPN opens a world of possibilities. If you are also preparing to grab this chance, then take your training at LPN colleges in Miami, where state accredited LPN to BSN programs are also available.

Categories: Education
Cindy Avila:


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