How to memorize things faster in medical school, law school or in any school for that matter!

Let me first start off by thanking “The things we talk about” for allowing me to share this article with all of you out there. Over the past year, I have become very fond of this blog and how they try to share all of this information with all of us free of charge at that (love those recipe’s btw), some  of the topics are entertaining, some are informative and some have a more serious tone that not too many bloggers care to talk about, sorry just a quick shout out to one of my fav blogs. Ok enough said with that!

I was granted the opportunity by the admin at “the things we talk about” to write about a few techniques that I have picked up along the way while being in college, undergrad and now in medical school, but  before I even divulge into this topic I  want to let anyone know reading this that this article isn’t necessarily for people in medical school but for anyone in any graduate program, undergraduate program, technical program, high school and we can even go as far as middle school. This article will basically share with all of you some tips that I have picked up along the way that has helped me to learn, memorize and study a whole lot better.

So here it goes:

Let me say that everyone learns things differently, some people are visual learners and other’s may be auditory learners. I found that I myself, was more of a visual learner but I do have some tips for those of you that are auditory learners as well, so stay tune for that.

Ok my visual learners, I don’t know if any one ever told you that making note cards were a complete waste of time, if they did they LIED! Well, let me tell you when and where note cards can be effective and where they may not necessarily work. Notecards can be an essential part of anyone’s learning because it allows you to use a crucial tool that must be a part of your studying, that’s right “REPETITION.” Repetition is indeed key!

Now I know what your thinking, note cards take entirely too long, especially when I have a ton of things to learn and no time. Trust me, I know so I found a cool way to create my note cards that actually saved me time at the end. Now this is by no means promoting the apple iphone or ipod touch, but I’m just sharing a cool app that I found invaluable on it, which is called iFLIPR.

This app is the ishhhh! I just type in my questions and put in my answers on the website www.iflipr.com and then sync that puppy into my iphone and there you have it note cards on the go. Trust me when I say this does not take long at all. A lot of people I know type a whole lot faster than they write, so this just makes it cake. Oh and not to mention you can have Mozart or Chopin playing in the background while you study!

I hope these tips that I have shared will shed some light for most of you or at least give you some ideas on how you can learn to memorize and study better. I will definitely be writing again for “The things we talk about” so be on a lookout for me,

“mEd ScHooL” that’s what my friends call me! Oh and you can find my posts under the “Education” category. So much more to come, stay tune!


P.S. or Disclaimer I should say: These techniques are only meant to help you….if you feel like they are not working after you have earnestly given them a chance then discontinue to use them and find something that is better suited for you, but I am only trying to help anyone who is looking for a better or another way to study more effectively!

Categories: Education

View Comments (3)

  • Yes, notecards helped me study for the USMLEs. However, I prefer the good old paper notecards. The thing is, I try to stay way from my laptop and cell phone while studying. I do have an old ipod nano for listening to some music while studying but that's it. Making notecards takes a while, but it's worth it in the end.

  • Thank you so much for sharing your study techniques with us. Even though I am an auditory learner, I think that I can try these techniques too.

  • I really needed something like this because i needed better ways to study so Thanks !! Im definitly going to try this and see how it works out !



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