Charitable Businesses: Rebels With a Cause

It’s been said that in today’s money-centric world if you want a voice, you vote using your buck. With an increase of businesses moving into the waters of conglomeration and rallying like-minded dollars to related causes which are “good for business,” it can be hard to try to make ones voice be considerably more than the usual drop of water landing in a ocean of opinion. The fact remains, nevertheless, that we the buyer are (naturally) the life-giver of this system. Certainly we consumers could conglomerate too, right? Certainly we are able to work together to discover favorable scenarios for the (gasp) general public?

Enter consumer advocacy. If our money head to firms that then use that money in order to lobby to get regulation in Washington then one may determine that yes, we do actually vote with our dollar. By educating ourself about item sources, organizational tactics, etcetera we are able to efficiently pick what businesses stick around along with which companies do not. We also influence behaviour, if I’m a company and I recognize I’m being watched – I’m more likely to keep my grubby fingers out from the cookie jar so to speak.

The action of consumer advocacy is no new notion, nonetheless it seems to be a tool that may be starting to become understood by the public. Numerous cultural movements have used consumer advocacy as a tool for several years, but only now is it reaching a critical mass that’s reinventing the standard business design.

Philanthropy is now an advertising instrument – and for good reason. If a company like Enlighten Natural Candles, who gives 25% of all of its revenue to charity, will get more business because of their philanthropic conduct then this is a good thing. It shows our collective ethic, which would seem very much to be trending up. Those of us parked in front of the T.V. might not notice it, but the Web community certainly does.

So do I purchase shoes from a business whom knowingly exploits workers, or from Toms which gives a pair away for every pair sold? Do I purchase a vehicle from a company which intentionally suppresses technological innovation that could improve safety and be more efficient or a vehicle from Tesla Motors who is approaching our oil dependence using brute innovation? I think the answer is obvious, the responsibility is on the back of the buyer to hold business’s feet towards the flame. Make your dollar matter.

If you’d like to find out more about Enlighten Natural Candles then visit their site filled with high quality, all Natural Candles.

Robert Jellison:


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