A Key Component of Online Marketing SEO

What are some of the KEY Components of Online Marketing?

I have spent countless hours online trying to find quick shortcuts to online marketing particularly Search Engine Optimization. There are lots amount of information online SEO that however, only a few really discuss some of the key importance of  SEO. Well, I have made this mistake by focusing more on Google crawling my site. Note, I am not saying that Google is not a key player in SEO, however we have to be more user and visitor oriented when thinking about online marketing. For instance, one can have a highly rank site in Google, yeah, you made it to the top of the listings and so on but does that convert in to a profit? We tend to put things to please the search engine rather than our targeted clients. Having our contents user and visitor oriented will get visitors interested in what we have to offer.

So, if you are a web designer based out of Miami it would be ideal to target your Miami market, just a thought.


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