6 Steps on How to clean meat properly: poultry, beef, etc.

How to clean meat ? Do you have to clean meat? So many of us enjoy eating meat such as…

Daylight Savings Time begins this Sunday, March 8

Don't forget to set your clock 1 hr ahead. This means that at 2:00 am Sunday, it will actually be…

America's Best Dance Crew- Quest Crew or Beat Freaks?

Tonight is the season finale of Randy Jackson Presents America's Best Dance Crew. The two final crews are Quest Crew…

Lemonade Frutista Freeze-Gotta try it!

Ok I'm officially addicted, I have had four lemonade frutista freeze in the past two days. Crazy, I know but…

Chris Brown being charged with two felonies! Update…

Here is an update on what's happening with Chris Brown. According to E! News Chris Brown is being charged with…



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