How do I know if he or she is the one?

Hey everyone, let me just say that it feels so good to be back writing and just sharing some of…

Spiritual Growth: Don’t give up on God because he never gives up on you!

Don't give up on God So many times, I find myself wondering exactly how exactly God will make a way…

The 2009 MTV VMA Rundown – Taylor Swift – Kanye West

So the VMAs were held in New York this year and I think this was the best one of my…

Spiritual Growth: Loyalty to God, where does yours lie?

Loyalty To God. Where is your Loyalty. Being and remaining loyal is something that I believe we all deal with…

Spiritaul Growth: I forgive you, is that what forgiveness is all about!

Psalm 86:5 "O Lord, you are so good, so ready to forgive, so full of unfailing love for all who…



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