4 Best Budget-Friendly Air Brush Make up Products

Every woman wishes for a fairy godmother in her make up kit, something that could turn her from beast to beauty in a few seconds. However, the reality is far from your dreams. Normal people cannot afford make-up artists that flick their wrists and give you perfect results. You have to take care of your budget as well.

Air brush make up has revolutionized the way women think about applying foundation. However, in this race to look flawless, budget tends to take a hit. Worry not because following is a list of 4 wonderful make up alternatives for the budget conscious you –

1. Airflash Spray Foundation By Dior ($62) – If you are one of those people who want full coverage from their foundation, this is a product for you. It is a favorite among women who want their foundation to cover a wider area. The foundation comes with moisturizer and the final result is a luminous skin tone that appears even all over. For dry and parched skin in the winter season, this foundation is perfect.

You should be careful while you apply it as if you aren’t light handed with it, then it would look too heavy and full on your face.

2. Temptu Retouch ($47) – For people who stand by the traditional air brush make up but can’t afford it, Temptu Retouch is the closest alternative. There is, of course, a difference from the original formula but if you just want to test the traditional method, this is the best option. The original air brush foundation uses AIRpod which is expensive and Temptu Retouch uses a click brush method. You just click it after pushing it and swirl it over your skin to give you a great base that is sweat proof as well as splash proof.

3. Era Spray On Foundation by Classified Cosmetics ($33) – The best thing about this foundation, apart from its affordability, is the fact that you can go for a lesser or greater coverage. The build on from the base is pretty easy as the veil it provides is water based. If you wish for an effect that is matte resilient, you can blot the foundation with powder and if you want a dewy and luminous effect, you can leave it alone. It is a pretty versatile option.

4. Sally Hansen’s Natural Beauty Spray Make up ($13.99) – This is a steal in terms of price. The cost is obviously very attractive but so is the long lasting formula. Little is more with this handy product that would save you a lot of money.

Always follow the golden rules of foundation application like using primer first. Wear a wrap on your head because you don’t want the spray to be all over your hair. Ensure that you hold it away from your face by several inches. These simple tips will help in replicating the traditional method and keep your budget in check as well.



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